Monday, October 22, 2018

Devotion - Monday, October 22

The "Kappa's" are known for their "candy canes".  Pledges must carry them around campus; when competing in step shows, the canes are a part of the act.  The Kappa's were part of the push in 1999 which lead to Clemson Habitat building five houses in a four week period in 2001.

This past Saturday, it was a part of the Kappa's which experienced disaster.  The floor collapsed under them, at their Homecoming Celebration at The Woodlands.

The Chapter's website opening page contains their verse for the month:  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  Proverbs 3:5-6.

Bad things happen, even to those who are following God and doing God's will.  There are explanations for events (we are likely to discover that the floor had become weakened, or the weight limit exceeded, or everyone was bounding in rhythm), but nothing answers our heart's desire to know "why me, " or "why now."

The question of why bad things happen dogs faith like no other.  

There are attempts at answers.  And these attempts, do provide an answer for the one who puts it forward.  But no one answer will ever be found.  (Remember our recent reading of Job.) 

The Kappa's verse leaves the answers to God.  Their verse of the month reminds me to trust in God and become comfortable with not knowing all things.  I don't need to know - God knows; and I know God's heart and intentions toward me.

Do pray for those injured on Saturday night.  And share with your classmates the powerful impact the Kappa's have had on this campus.

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