Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sermon - 1st Sunday of Advent - Year B

Mark 13:24-37

                                                            Keep Awake 

I do have the capacity to perform a digital search of how many sermons preached in this pandemic have had the same beginning.  To say that this is an Advent like none other we have ever experienced is both redundant and obvious.  As was true of half of our Lenten pilgrimage, our truncated Easter celebrations, and our pitiful attempts at Reformation and All Saints – Advent and Christmas are looking too much like more-of-the-same and not enough like the observances we remember from years and decades past. 

The discussion regarding adjustments to our gathering policy began when it looked as if the daily case count in South Carolina might reach 1,000.  We haven’t been below 1,000 cases a day for weeks.  And even when the numbers are lower across the state, the percentage of those cases occurring in our area has increased. 

This Advent and Christmas will be like none we have ever encountered.  Absent will be many of those activities which year after year have given structure and regularity to our lives.  Jesus’ words to “Keep awake!” ring hallow when the only reason to be awake is to see what I can find on Netflix.  

These are uncertain times.  These are challenging times.  These are the times which try men’s souls.  These are the times when mothers weep for their children. 

In such times, as in all times, there is the promise of God’s Anointed One.  Days such as those we currently endure may be perfect for us to finally hear readings like Mark 13 as the words of hope and promise and assurance which the writers of the Gospel intended them to be.  The promise of God’s Anointed One is that in the midst of a darkened sun and stars falling from the heavens the Son of Man com(es) in the clouds with great power and glory.  The promise of God’s Anointed One is that while many of the pleasures and entertainments enjoyed by those who are of this world will disappear, the angels will arrive to gather those whom God loves. 

Keep awake! is no longer a necessity but the very opportunity to be aware of the thing which God is about to accomplish. 

What is it, that God is about to accomplish?  In our lives and in the days which we now endure? 

As is true for all good questions, solid answers can be difficult to find.  It would be wrong for me or anyone to claim to know what will come of all of this, or what God will do.  This is not a timidity about being incorrect or later being proven a fool (or worse a charlatan.)  To know what God is about to accomplish misses the significance of the Advent season.  To begin to piece together our own vision for the future is as unadvisable as falling into a long and disinterested sleep. 

It is not for us to be able to anticipate where all this is leading us, and it is no badge of honor to be the one who can predict the outcomes.  The Word of the Lord instructs us simply to be awake and be ready and observant.  The words of Jesus tell us to go about our tasks, as slaves left with our chores as the master departs for a journey.  It is not our place to determine what will happen; it is our joy to do the things which were left to our hands to accomplish. 

Living with such uncertainty is very difficult for us.  Humans in general revolt at the suggestion that we can’t determine our own future.  Residents of our culture and country are even less inclined to accept limitations to our right of self-determination.  We have scrapped and scratched our way toward the top of the ladder in order to avoid being caught up in the mire and the muck of uncontrollable circumstances.  It is abhorrent that anyone would even propose limitations and restrictions.  I do think this is one of the reasons why Christian faith is so difficult for us.  Christian faith requires that we accept and acknowledge that the things we MOST want to control are out of our hands. 

Whatever it is that God is doing – it will be God’s doing, and not our own.  It may not even look like something we recognize as God’s doing and it might disrupt or destroy many of aspects of a way of life preferred by us - but not in keeping with the instructions of that homeless, itinerant street-preacher from Nazareth. 

This Advent is like none other we have ever experienced.  I do hope we will never have another Advent like this one.  But this is the Advent we have. 

Maybe, just maybe, this Advent will help us learn what the gospel writers most wanted to communicate:  Keep awake!  Be on alert!  Do not become distracted by the structures and practices which you have considered so important.  Open your eyes and your lives to the thing which God is doing. 

We know, and we sometimes shake our heads in disgust, that many who had the opportunity to see Jesus in the flesh took a pass.  It is a matter of public record, that even after Jesus’ resurrection, his words and his promise were rejected.  More than simply rejected, they were seen as dangerous and in need of being silenced.  

What is the guilt of those whom we look upon with such disgust?  Is their guilt not summed up in an inability or an unwillingness to become woke?  They had the opportunity to hear this thing which God was doing, but they chose to remain in step with the ways of their culture and in keeping with the more popular interpretations of crowd-pleasing teachers and religious leaders.  Jesus isn’t threatening them; he is warning them of “those days” and “that suffering” which inevitably follow the abandonment of the words (which) will not pass away. 

Advent is an invitation to look around us and to ask where the world does not reflect the way of our Lord and Savior.  Advent is the opportunity to shake ourselves from our laziness and be prepared to join in the celebration of how God sees the world.  This Advent, in the year 2020, may be our best chance to open ourselves and our lives to what it is that God wants Christmas to be. 

This is going to mean change.  And it will require the expulsion of many socially desirable sacred cows.  It will take diligence and dedication.  It would be so much easier to curl up on the couch and take a nap. 

“What I say to you I say to all:  Keep awake!” 


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sermon - Christ the King - Year A

Matthew 25:31-46       

Christ is King-A different King 

            Some passages of scripture are difficult to understand.  Sometimes we don't understand because the imagery doesn't make sense to us.  We always have a bit of that problem when the passage contains a reference to sheep or goats.  Few (if any) of us understand the nature of sheep and goats.  Few (if any) of us understand why it would be important to a shepherd that the sheep and the goats be separated.  Sometimes the imagery makes no sense; there is no connection to our lives.  So, the passage is difficult for us to understand. 

            Other passages are difficult for us because they are ambiguous.  You know the type - like when St. Paul writes:  The good that I would do I cannot do, but I do the very thing that I hate.  I can work my way through the grammatical structure of that sentence and figure out what he is trying to say, but it is a bit of a tongue twister and is devoid of the clarity I would prefer when reading the Word of God.  Internal ambiguity sometimes renders a passage difficult for us to understand. 

            Ambiguity, imagery from a different time or place - these can make it uncomfortable for us to encounter a passage of scripture.  But these difficulties are minor when compared to the difficulties presented by a passage of scripture which just doesn't fit with the rest of our experience of God.  Ambiguity, imagery from a different time or place - these are nothing compared to a passage in which Jesus simply tells us that some are going to enter the kingdom while others are to be banished into the eternal fire.  Today's Gospel Lesson is difficult for me because I really don't like what it is saying. 

            Jesus is terribly harsh in this passage.  He is so cut and dry.  His words place us in one category or the other:  we are considered either sheep or goats; on God's right hand or on God’s left.  For those who are on the right - things couldn't be better.  If you are on the left – too bad for you.  Sheep and goats.  It is that simple, it is that harsh.  I find this passage difficult.  It isn’t consistent with a God whose grace is so deep He would send his only Son to die for us.  It doesn’t fit with my experience of the “love of God which passes all understanding.” 

            The line which is the kicker is the one which says:  As you did it (or did not do it) to one of the least of these, you did it (or did not do it) to me.  I read it and find myself considering exactly who would be the least of these, and I find myself worrying about the way I have interacted with them. 

            What about the hungry?  I don't mean to minimize this congregation's commitment to Backpack Buddies.  Many good works are offered.  But can it be said of us that we have never allowed a hungry person to pass before our eyes?  Do we offer food wherever and whenever it is needed?  Or do we wait for a few special programs, offered at particular times of the year? 

But Jesus’ demand doesn‘t end there.  This passage says we not only need to feed them, we must also welcome the stranger into our own homes.

             I think you all know how much I love to take afternoon naps.  I was enjoying one such nap, when there came a knock on my back door.  I stumbled over, opened it and invited the guy in.  It was only after he started to tell me his story that I had I realized what I had done.  I had invited into my house someone I didn’t know at all.   I noticed that as he spoke, he was also looking around.  He may not have wanted to look me in the face out of nervousness or embarrassment, but as he talked about needing money to provide for his family all I could think of was whether he was really wanting me to know his story or if he was really casing the house to decide if it was worth a burglary.   

            There are two shelters owned by St Michael and made available to families experiencing homelessness.  This is a tremendous gift to offer.  But would I offend you if I asked how many of our members know who is living in either the downstairs apartment or the Mellon House?  How many of us have spoken with them, or remembered them by name in our prayers? 

            "I was a stranger and you welcomed me."   

            The list goes on:  thirsty, naked, sick, in prison.  I barely know where the city jail is located.  I have no idea how many inmates are kept at our county facility or where persons are sent for longer terms of incarceration.  One of my Facebook friends left campus ministry to become a prison chaplain.  He makes rather regular posts about the great things that are happening at the prison he serves and asking for our prayerful support.  I am thankful that Randy responded to that call.  I fear that I am like the goats in Jesus’ parable, that I most often put out of mind those who truly are out of sight. 

            This passage of scripture is very difficult for me because it speaks a legalism which is alien to so much of what I experience God to be.  This passage is difficult because it lifts up a way of life that I know I am far from achieving.  This passage is difficult because it reminds me that what I do with my life really does matter.  It matters a lot.  It makes all the difference. 

            It is not accidental that this passage of scripture would be read on the day that the church celebrates Christ the King Sunday.  This passage correctly identifies the focal point of Christ's Kingship.  When the Son of Man comes in his glory...he will sit on the throne of his glory...and he will separate people one from another.  The separation will fall along the line which divides those who have lived for themselves from those who have lived for others.  Living for others is the kind of King Christ is; it is the kind of kingdom over which he reigns.  It wasn't so much what he said or encouraged us to believe.  The thing which makes the difference is the way in which Christ lived his life:  welcoming the stranger, caring for the sick, feeding the hungry.  He did not consider equity with God a thing to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking on the form of a servant, and yet he is the very one whom we gather in this place to honor as King of kings and Lord of lords. 

            I am, from the very core of my being, a Lutheran.  I do not believe that I can ever merit God's gift.  The absurdity of such a belief system is exposed in today's passage, in the acknowledgement that those who were being invited into the eternal kingdom had no idea why they would be considered worthy of such an honor.  They ask, "Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry...thirsty...a stranger...or in prison?"  They had not worked in order to merit God's favor.  Neither can we acquire the Kingdom by our own good deeds.   This passage isn’t holding up a list of qualifications for entering the Kingdom of Christ.  Christ is not saying that we have to measure up on each one of these before we can have any part in God's eternal domain.  Jesus is reminding us that until we look less to ourselves and more toward others we will never share in the wonderful blessings God has to offer. 

            It isn't a test - it is more of a reflection of where it is that you will be found.  Will you reside among those who are self-absorbed – or - amid those who know the joy of Christ's self-giving love? 



Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sermon - Youth Sunday - Pentecost 23

Matthew 25:1-13

Julia Rhyne - 

When Jesus speaks, it is worth listening to.  That is especially true when what he is talking about is the kingdom of heaven.  We wanted to understand what Jesus is saying in this parable, and what it means for us.  

Emma Street -

One of the things we learned, as we started to plan for today’s sermon, was to avoid jumping to quick conclusions.  We learned it was okay for us to ask why a story is told and to wonder why a story unfolds the way it does.  Doing this allows us to understand the story as something that might have happened to us.


We could both relate to this story.  We both have stories of not being prepared.  What we came to understand about our stories is how differently we (or our friends) responded when there was a “foolish” or unprepared friend involved.    We would like to share those stories with you now.


The Gospel talked about some of the Bridegrooms and how they were unprepared. And when they got back from getting oil for their lamps, the groom basically told them that they couldn’t come into the house because of lack of preparedness.

When it comes to being unprepared, that is expected of me. I am unprepared for class, packing for trips, plans for after I graduate from high school, and even this sermon. Anxiety plays a big part of being unprepared for myself. 

I suffer from a lot of anxiety. I tend to forget about things and I second guess myself. I can relate to the foolish bridegrooms from the Gospel. They forgot the oil for their lamps. Like I forget assignments for class and stuff that I need for trips. And I tend to enjoy my naps...a lot.

In dealing with my unpreparedness issues, I have learned to write things down, have reminders on my phone, post-its in my Chromebook, and to have my parents and friends to remind me of things. Relying on friends and family has been a big help for me when I was not prepared in different situations. They are like my bridegrooms in the gospel. In this gospel, it made me realize that it is ok to ask for help. That we don’t need to be anxious about things especially when we have bridegrooms to help us out.

To be honest, I put off writing my part of this sermon until the last minute. The thought of speaking in front of people makes me nervous because of my anxiety and self-confidence issues. However, regardless of how unprepared I am, I feel loved by my church family. What I have learned in church is that God loves us no matter what even if you are unprepared and if you really enjoy naps. He gives us grace.


This past summer, I went to a music camp for a couple of weeks that also included a religious aspect. Every day we had bible study that we had to attend at a certain time. Typically we would eat dinner and then go straight to bible study. 

One day as my friends and I were getting ready to leave from dinner, my friend realized that he had forgotten all his bible study material in his dorm. He was panicking and didn’t want to go back and get it and be late for bible study. I decided to go back with him to get his stuff because if I were in the same situation, I wouldn’t want to be late by myself either. We walked together and came back a few minutes late to our bible study, and my friend was very grateful that I had done that for him. 

Today when I think back on this experience I wonder to myself: why would someone not help a friend who forgot their things? Like I mentioned before, if I were in the same situation, I would really appreciate someone coming with me and helping me. This kind of situation can be compared in a way to Jesus’ disciples and how they travel 2 by 2. They spread Jesus’ teachings by helping those in need and being prepared. Even though this is slightly different, everyone has times in their life when they are not prepared enough for certain situations--  when they are not prepared for Jesus to come into their life. 

Something that I learned from this situation and from thinking about this topic was to not only prepare for the final day when Jesus comes to us. If we do this, we are letting everything else pass us by. Instead we need to prepare for every moment in between where we can see Jesus and help others see Jesus. 

This is a repeat of what Emma said, about others being there to help us be prepared or get prepared.  Pastor Chris listened to our stories and reported back to us how both of us came to similar conclusions.  We know that the Bible teaches us to “Be Ready,” but we also feel how important it is to help each other get ready.  Maybe this is because we are teens, and we are more aware of how much help we need.  Or maybe it is the message of this Youth Sunday service - for all of us to identify with the bridesmaids who weren’t prepared and for each of us to be ready to help those who do need a bit of help.

Pastor Chris

We understand the need to be prepared.  And we do need to be ready.  Ready for Jesus to again enter our world.  Ready for us to join Jesus in the celebration.  

I was unprepared and totally unprepared for how both of these young women initially responded to the story.  They both wanted to know why the five bridesmaids didn’t just share oil with the five who had run out.  Their stories emerged from that question.

Again, we know that Jesus is telling us to be ready.  One of the interesting things is whether preparation is just making sure we have more reserves than those around us; or if preparing means making sure everyone is ready to enter the banquet hall.

You - at St Michael - ought to take great pride in the way these two of your children have answered that question.  You - everyone listening to their witness - ought to take great strides to look similarly at those around you.

That, my sisters and brothers, is the Word of God for the people of God.  


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sermon - All Saints' Sunday - 2020

 Matthew 5:1-12

                                                                       Blessed Are….. 

We had a wedding yesterday.  Two of our members – Lindsey and Manus – were joined in Holy Matrimony.  I think that deserves a round of applause!  (And I hope they are watching this morning – to receive it.) 

The wedding was supposed to happen here at St Michael.  Last November, when the couple made the request, we realized that we needed to get our wedding guidelines updated.  Sommers worked really hard on that, and she made the appropriate contact with the couple to get everything all lined up. 

Then, the coronavirus pandemic started.  And it continued.  Lindsey and Manus and I decided it might be better to complete the premarital counseling via ZOOM.  This seemed like such a novel thing to do – back in March.  

In June, the pastoral visits with couple began to discuss “possible alternative plans.”  By August, it seemed obvious we would not be able to welcome the 140 guests for a worship service. 

One of the parent units lives in a community complete with golf course, a fitness center, and a small chapel.  As alternative plans go, this one was looking pretty good.  Rehearsal dinner in the backyard; reception on the clubhouse patio.  The guest list was trimmed to twenty, and things seemed to be all set.  Then, on Friday, Zeta made its way through the northern mountains of South Carolina.  The chapel, the patio, the home which was to serve as hub were all without electricity.  

I have officiated at a lot of weddings.  (There was one calendar year in which I had thirteen.)  But I want to say that yesterday was a blessing in a way which all of those hundreds of other weddings could never be.  (My apologies to all those others.) 

Yesterday, a group of twenty or so of us experienced what Jesus tries to tell the crow who listened to him speak of being “Blessed”.  Being blessed has nothing to do with the waxing and waning of fortune in our lives.  Being blessed means knowing that God is with us and that God is pleased with us.  Being blessed means knowing that amid all of the things which might seem to be going in the wrong direction, there is one thing totally as it should be.  And that one thing is sufficient.  That one thing pulls a whole host of other, somewhat unexpected things, along with it. 

The list in Matthew 5 of those whom Jesus declares as “Blessed” does not match the lists often repeated at award ceremonies.  When asked the heights to which one aspires, being meek or hungering and thirsting usually don’t make the list.  We are so pre-occupied with the things which the world speaks of as important that we are quick to ignore or fail to recognize the things which do truly bring blessings into our lives. 

There are so many things going wrong in our world an in our lives.  I have made more than my share of jokes about how I can’t wait for 2020 to be over.  But if I had never had this year, I would not have been able to laugh and cry and celebrate with Lindsey and Manus.  If this horrible year had never happened I would not have had those visits with Heddie West, or experienced the depth of Ann Huffman’s impact on St. Michael.  Carol Kelsey’s quiet acceptance of her death, or seeing Heywood make it back home to draw his last breath would be blessings missed.  These experiences do not make all the other things less disappointing; but the disappointments are given their appropriate place and significance.  

Do not be distracted by what is too often valued as signs of being blessed.  Being blessed has very little to do with power or money or prestige or social position.  The blessings which remain are the ones which call upon us to notice the lost and lonely and those which encourage us to cast our lot with them.  Blessings unite us with others and they give us the courage and confidence to set aside our own ideologies for the sake of how what we value might affect the lives of others. 

You have the words of Jesus before you.  And you probably know many of the verses by heart.  What Jesus called “Blessed” may not be what we would identify.  But what Jesus says is a blessing is truly a blessing. 
