Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Devotion - Tuesday, January 30

In a few hours, I will be facilitating a discussion among my peers.  It hinges around a book that some of us have read, about y'all (youth and young adults) and how you search for (and sometimes find) community.  It talks about the role of cell phones and social media.  I sorta just fell into the role of leading this discussion.  

This morning, as I was praying my way through my day, I connected that discussion and this practice of sending you  short note in the morning.  I don't get that many replies (and there are already 116 unread messages in my morning In Box - so go light on replies), but those I get and the comments I receive make me aware of the community which receives these and thus becomes united for a few moments each day.

I want to tell you how much I depend on this community.  I want to let you know that without this community I wouldn't be able to keep it going - and I don't mean keep these notes going, I mean keep going in ministry.  These few moments at the start of each day are what makes each day and each act part of a cohesive whole.
Sorry for getting overly-sentimental.

Paul writes in Galatians 4 how accidental it was that he had time and opportunity to preach among them.  He also acknowledges the mutuality of the mission experienced among the church in Galatia.  He speaks of the things they came to believe, but he acknowledges that it is the relationship which makes the message possible.

However your generation chooses to define what it means to be a community, you are teaching my generation to expand our understanding of community.  And I thank you.  And I encourage you, to think about and give voice to how important it is to have a community which is open and welcoming and which does not set entrance criteria.  To be part of this community, you only need to be part of this community.  

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