Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Devotion - Wednesday, February 1

In Mark 8:11, we read that the Pharisees seek a "sign from heaven" from Jesus, in order to test him.

This is a complex situation and deserves more an eighty word reply.  What I would like to reflect on this morning is the often repeated request "Show me a sign."  I have said this prayer myself.  So I am not belittling any of you.  I join you in thinking about why I lift the request for a "sign," when I already know the preference of God.

Without ignoring those situations which are (like the story in Mark 8), complex and complicated, most of the times I find myself asking God to direct me, I already know what it is that God would have me do.  I don't need a more clear answer from God; what I need is the courage to follow where God is leading me.

The context these reflections might matter.  I have been with my campus ministry colleagues in Region 9 for the past three days.  One of our presenters spoke of this as a "watershed moment" for campus ministry and in the life of the Church.  Our guest speaker (who wasn't part of the discussion about campus ministry) encouraged us to trust that God is present and active.  We have all the signs from God we need.  

Be confident in what God has shown to you.  Never claim to speak for God, but speak with the confidence that God's word has been heard in your life and is reflected in what you are now saying.

We don't need a sign.  We need the courage to follow where the sign has directed us.

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