Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Devotion - Wednesday, January 11

Our piety isn't the same, but Deshaun Watson and I loved the same Jesus.  Amid all the celebrations of the football team's championship victory, it was impressive to hear Deshaun put it all into perspective.  He commented on the game and on his teammates, and then he spoke of his faith.

The particular way he speaks of faith is not the way I speak of faith, but we share an awareness that no matter what we face there is an event beyond the event which matters more.  Maybe that is why he seems to "emotionally flat" - as one sports broadcaster put it.

The ups and downs of life should never be minimized.  The challenges you will face during the semester are in many cases huge.  My intention is to remind you of the resource you have as to face those challenges.  Whatever the outcome of the current strife, there is a larger story into which the current events is placed.  That larger story offers you assurance and confidence and hope and promise.

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