Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Devotion - Wednesday, January 18

Today begins the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  This week is a joint effort of the denominations which participate in the National Council of Churches.  Our ELCA is an active member; we are continually striving for greater unity among the various expressions of God's disciples.

In order to strive for unity, we need to set our hearts and minds on a particular orientation of priorities.  We find it possible to strive for unity when we orient higher in our priorities feeding Jesus' sheep and tending Jesus' lambs.  This is not to say theological and doctrinal points are unimportant - merely not as important as doing what Jesus would do.

There was an interview on NPR two weeks ago in which the person spoke of "following Jesus and letting the Bible follow you."  It was her way of saying that she had oriented her priorities such that the fine lines of confession were placed lower than responding to the joy of Jesus' acceptance of her.

The speaker at last night's ML King Commemorative Service spoke of the "Unenforceable obligations".  These are the necessities, essential to our survival, which cannot be legislated or mandated.  They must arise.

Jesus prayed that we might all be one.  Let us be one.  We can lift up those things which symbolize our unique contribution, but those things which are distinctive about us are given us so that the whole of God's familyi might be stronger.

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