Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Devotion - Tuesday, January 17

In Mark 3, Jesus says, "Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister."

In a discussion over coffee yesterday, a student shared his frustration with those who are so pre-occupied with works righteousness that they fail to see the opportunity set before them.  It is not to merit God's favor that we are loving of our neighbor; we are loving of our neighbor because we don't need to worry about our own future or fate.  We can love our neighbor without worrying there is something else we need to be doing.  Christ has saved us!  We are united with God!  Our whole existence is a life of leisure!

What are we going to do with all of our time?  Well, maybe, we could love others with a small portion of the love with which God has first loved us.

Doing the will of God is not obeying some rigid code of ethics or following some ancient food laws.  Doing the will of God is loving brothers and sisters.  Doing the will of God involves being the one who  tells the downtrodden that there is a reason to lift their heads.

Mark 3 reminds us of the deepest of bonds we can possibly have.  Being blood kin is a strong bond, but stronger still is the unity which comes from perceiving the joy of doing God's will in the world.

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