Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sermon - 4th Sunday of Epiphany

 Matthew 5:1-12

The Wisdom of God

“When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up to the mountain;  and after he sat down, his disciples came to him.  Then he began to speak, and taught them saying….”

Jesus teaches a great many things.  The content of his teachings has filled university libraries and lecture halls around the world.  Jesus teaches a great many things – and most of what Jesus teaches is view of the world and of our neighbors and of our lives which runs contrary to most of what the rest of the world would have us think and belief.  Remember, it is Jesus who tells us to never put ourselves or our own families first.  Remember that it Jesus to insists that the Kingdom of God is inhabited by good Samaritans – the sort of persons who attend to broken bodies left lying at the borders of our world.

“When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up to the mountain;  and after he sat down, his disciples came to him.  Then he began to speak, and taught them saying….”

Time will not allow us to examine each of the beatitudes, but the first three are enough for us to begin to understand how different are these lessons which Jesus teaches.  Jesus says blessed are the poor, those who mourn, and the meek.  It is important to note that his words are not addressed to those who once were the poor, the mournful or the meek.  Jesus speaks to those for whom these adjectives are a current reality.  Conven­tional wisdom, the general flow of our society, would say you can't possess these qualities and be blessed at the same time.  Religious talk often leads us to believe that poverty, mourning and meekness are the pre-conditions to receiving the blessings of God.  Pre-conditions but not present reality.  Too much of popular piety would have us believe that once we are blessed; our status in life will change.  We will become rich, we will be filled with happy thoughts and we will become heralded heroes in Christ’s spiritual warfare.  But that isn't what Jesus says.

Jesus says Blessed are the poor

The poor are blessed because unlike those who are self-sufficient the poor understand the tenuous nature of their existence.  The poor, because they can never relax and assume things will be alright, must live every moment searching for that which will bring salvation. 

"Have you been saved?"  is an often asked question.  Those who ask are usually looking for a resounding "YES!"  The expectation is for those questioned to express a sure confidence in the fate of their eternal souls.  Such confidence is often lacking in the way the poor speak of God.  Not that they lack a confidence in God’s grace, rather they are not so brazen as to speak for God or to say what it is that God will do.

Those who spend each day trying to find food for their family are more inclined to respond, "Yester­day, God was gracious enough to save me.  This day I lift to God my prayers, asking that salvation may again come."  Such is the response of the poor.  It is a humble dependence upon God which brings them blessings.

Those who mourn are those who understand the value of relation­ship.  Mournful are those who are aware of their need for another and find themselves separated from the object of their love.  Mourners are folks who cry out with their desire for more; more time together, more love, more appreciation of the other's gifts.

Joseph Sitter, a professor I had the chance to encounter during my years at the seminary in Chicago, once commented that hunger is the strongest possible testimony to the reality of food.  It is our mourning which heightens the awareness of our desire to be united with God.

Those who mourn are blessed – blessed with assurance which comes from searching for that which is lacking but has been glimpsed.  Blessed, because they know how empty their lives will remain unless and until they find God. 

Blessed are the meek.  I can never read this beatitude without remembering an old cartoon.  There is this wimpy looking man making his way out of the church.  As he shakes ­hands with the pastor he asks, "Exact­ly when will the meek inherit the earth?" 

The meek are those who have no pretense of power.  They are the powerless.  As weaklings, they have to find their hope of salvation somewhere else.  They place their trust in one who does have the power to care for them.  "Blessed are the meek," because they have no option other than to turn to God.

That old cartoon exposes the misunder­standing which too quickly surrounds this beatitude.  The false assumption is made that I may have been meek at one time, but now I am meek no longer.  The meek inherit the earth and become the dominant.  Meekness is considered to be a pre-condition, not a current status.  Once the meek inherit the earth meekness is replaced with something else.  No longer meek - I am confident of what I am able to do.  When this happens, self-confidence replaces confidence in God.  Personal power replaces the power of the cross. 

Jesus does not address persons who once were poor, mournful or meek.  He speaks to those who are hungering, thirst­ing, and merciful. 

The blessed are not those who have it made.  The blessed are those who spend their days searching, striving, and hoping for the bless­ings of our God.  Jesus reveals to us the blessings which come to those who learn to depend not upon themselves, but upon God.

Jesus teaches us a great many things, but mostly Jesus teaches us to look at the world differently.  Jesus would teach each of us to see the blessing which comes from turning to God and depending upon God.  Jesus would teach us that to trust in our own might or strength or worth has the effect of separating us from the blessings of God.

It is way too popular, in our world, to project a rough and tough and non-wavering identity.  Such a goal for strong individualism may be popular in our current culture, but it is not the way lifted up by the traveling preacher who walked the dirty and dusty roads of Palestine.  Might we follow that traveling preacher closely enough that we do come to be covered with the dust kicked up by his footsteps.


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