Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Devotion - Wednesday, February 8

The appointed Gospel lesson for today is Mark 10:1-16.  The issue of divorce is discussed in these verses.  This topic will also show up in this Sunday's Gospel.  It is a vexing concern for many; as it should be.

One's approach to this topic should always begin with pastoral concern.  Ask "What is going on in the relationship which does not allow one or both parties to see themselves and the other as a child of God?"  If the ability to see this is compromised, then a relationship has ceased to serve its primary purpose and rightfully needs evaluation.

The theological concern revolves around covenant and promise and assurances of God's blessing.  Christians enter into marriage with the awareness that we are not merely establishing a relationship which brings us joy or happiness or pleasure, we are making a covenant with another in which each promises the other to aid them in their spiritual journey.  A marriage is a partnership in which each is reminded of their status as a child of God; both are strengthened in their living out of their baptismal covenant.  How can we be so deeply engaged in the very core of another's existence and then come to the decision that these things no longer matter?

Re-read paragraph 2.  This does happen.  But probably over time and in small steps and only after years of neglecting the promises which were so prominent in the establishing of the marriage.

Most of you are years away from marriage.  So, you may have already ceased reading.  But I hope you have stuck with me to this ending.  And I pray that you will form an understanding of marriage which anchors all of your relationships in the promises made in support of the other, rather than seeing relationships as something pleasing and pleasurable to yourself.  The dating relationships you are in now set the pattern for marriages you may one day enter.

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