Monday, February 20, 2017

Devotion - Monday, February 20

The cycle of readings directed me to the book of Ruth.  This story is a powerful one.  It is also a great window to many of the customs and realities of life for those who lived in ancient Israel.

The main characters in the book become nomads and refugees.  They are dependent upon their ability to scavenge enough food to eat.  They depart from Moab and return to Judea because they hear that the fields are more plentiful.

This is possible because the followers of Yahweh had heard and were inclined to obey the text we read yesterday morning.  The instruction for the people of God is that we are not to pick our fields clean or to collect the grapes which fall to the ground.  They are to be left for those who experience hunger.

Read with me these next couple of days the story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi.  Give attention to the details of what their life is like.  And give opportunity to reflect on whether this story would be possible in our time.  How do we follow God's directives for sharing the bounty of the land with those who have so little?

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