Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sermon - 2nd Sunday After Epiphany - Year C

John 2:1-11    

                                                                   Just for the Hell of It

 Most of us have a favorite bible story, or a story we remember, or a story we like to hear.  I am curious whether this story from John 2 is such a story for any of you?

I always look back through old sermons.  On previous Sundays with these appointed lessons, I chose to deal with the I Corinthians reading.  Not sure why.  I don’t have any reason to avoid John 2.  I do wonder if among the reasons is the repeated opportunities I have had to speak to the story of water into wine at weddings.  This story often becomes a favorite, easily remembered, or one we like to hear as couples come before the Church to hear the promises of God upon their union.

John 2:  memorable for a couple of reasons; helpful on so many levels.

These events do take place at a wedding.  Mary, the mother of Jesus is active in this story – unlike her passive participation in the stories retold in Luke’s account or her complete silence in the events recorded in Matthew.  Here, Mary is active and an actor in the revealing of her son’s identity and role.  This story is also significant in that the events recorded here are put in proper perspective by noting that they are the first (but only the first) of Jesus’ signs.

In a sermon a few months ago, I spoke of what happened in the reading as a “miracle.”  Pastor Jon reminded me that while we tend to call them “miracles,” the descriptive word used in the Bible is “signs.”  Miracles – signs.  Perhaps only a slight difference, but perhaps a significant one.  These things which Jesus does should not be confused with a slight of hand or a ripping apart the laws of nature.  The Bible teaches us that these are events in which we are allowed to see something which we need to know.  These are occurrences which serve as a sign. They are “signs” of God – of God’s presence, of God’s love, of God’s grace, of God’s intentions toward us.

In Galilee, at a wedding in Cana, one such sign occurs.  And in this sign there is the opportunity to see and experience God’s presence, God’s love, God’s grace, God’s intentions toward us.

You know the story.  It has been read to you once again this morning.  What does this, the first of Jesus’ signs, tell you about God’s presence, God’s love, God’s grace, and God’s intentions toward us?

It is tough to regain control when a preacher asks and open ended question and begs for responses.  So let’s do that thing where you turn to someone near you and share your answer.  What does this, the first of Jesus’ signs, tell you about God’s presence, God’s love, God’s grace, and God’s intentions toward us?

Turn and speak to someone near you.

I have a funny story about this reading.  Zach Parris retold the story to the students gathered over New Years in Memphis, and also put it on the podcast.  Some twenty years ago, an LCM couple picked this lesson for their wedding, and in my sermon that day I offended some of their more straight-laced guests.  I apologize in advance for committing the same transgression today.  But when I think of what this sign, performed by Jesus at the wedding in Cana, tells me – it tells me that God is deeply concerned with the living of a happy and joy filled life.   This sign does not allow someone who cannot see to regain their sight.  This sign does not feed 5,000 hungry people stranded in a lonely place.  This sign – allows the wedding party to continue and the host of the party to avoid social humiliation.  Many of the signs associated with Jesus meet profound human need.  This sign (and here comes the offensive phrase) Jesus does just for the hell of it.

What a wonderful and powerful first sign.  Right away it sets the stage for what Messiah is to do.  This, the first of his signs, communicates the reason for each of his signs.  This signs reveal the assurance God’s presence; they make known the depth of God’s love; they are expressions of God’s grace, and they make crystal clear God’s intentions toward us.

God does not want or demand quivering lumps of rotting flesh!  God seeks children who can find as much joy and pleasure and beauty in the creation as He does.  In Jesus (but not only in Jesus,) God sets aside any concern about the heavens and makes earth His dwelling place.  God does not want or demand quivering lumps of rotting flesh!  God seeks children who can find as much joy and pleasure and beauty in the creation as He does. 

Here is your word for the day:  Incarnation.  Say it with me:  Incarnation.

Earlier this week, and I am not going to remember where, someone was struggling to remember this word – Incarnation.  It means God taking on our form and our lot and being one of us.  Christians do not worship a heavenly being.  Our God takes on our form and lives as one of us.  No physicist or philosopher will be able to explain how it happens, but every Christian Theologian will teach that it does.  It is the full and final expression of God’s presence, God’s love, God’s grace, and God’s intentions toward us.  Out of love for us, God creates us, places in the Garden of Eden, and continues to provide for us from the earth’s plenty even after we transgress.

God is not some angry, vengeful, demanding master!  God is loving and caring.  God’s fight against sin and sinfulness and living in sin is a desire to have us united with God.  This is also a battle God wages because God knows how sin and sinfulness separates us from one another; in truth, how sin separates us from ourselves.

Jesus loves me, this I know.  I know it for many reasons, and today I am reminded by the retelling of the story of the first of the signs Jesus does.  Merely to keep the party going, Jesus changes water into wine.  Simply to help his host avoid social embarrassment, Jesus takes action.

What does this, the first of Jesus’ signs, tell you about God’s presence, God’s love, God’s grace, and God’s intentions toward us?

My hope and prayer and intention in this sermon is that it tells you that God loves you and that God cares for you and that God provides for you and that God wants for you a joyful and joy filled life.

This is the word of God.  For the people of God.  Thanks be to God.


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