Thursday, January 17, 2019

Devotion - Thursday, January 17

In Mark 2, Jesus heals a man who cannot walk.  His first words to the man are "your sins are forgiven."  There is a discussion among the religious snobs about whether he can forgive sins.  So, Jesus' next words to the man is for him to stand up and walk home.

This reminded me of one of the speakers we heard while at the LSM Gathering in Memphis.  He is a medical doctor, who is also a seminary graduate.  He intentionally got both degrees - much of his work is helping the Church reclaim its emphasis on caring for the sick and ill.

Charles Wesley was a doctor.  He was successful in this part of his life.  Preaching did not always bring as great a change in his hearers.

Travel and look for hospitals.  Many bear the names of religious saints.  Many were built by Christian communities.

Our speaker pointed out that it was around the turn of the 20th century that the Church stopped being involved in medical care.  Three things happened:  1) Darwin, more the debate that ensued;  2) Modern medicine brought the opportunity for profits, and when there are possible profits who wants the Church front and center; and 3) a resurgence of the non-Christian notion that we are a body/spirit dualism which can be divided, Church was given opportunity to care for spirit, body belonged to others.

Jesus heals many who were sick and ill.  He feeds those who are hungry.  Jesus understood that we are body and spirit and he attends to both.  As his followers, we are to attend to both as well.

In his presentation last night, Marion Fisher lifted up poverty as a Christian cause.  This was a huge part of the work of Rev ML King, Jr.  Caring for the bodies of our sisters and brothers is the story of Jesus.  Read Mark 2.  And then go and do likewise.

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