Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sermon - 2nd Sunday in Lent - Year A

Genesis 12:1-4a & John 3:1-17                                                                     

                        Blessed to be a Blessing 

The encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus invites each of us to give careful attention to what it is that we are searching for.  Prior to this encounter with Jesus, Nicodemus had a rather charmed life.  He is a member of Jerusalem’s the ruling elite.  He surely experienced the accolades which came with such a position.  But Nicodemus realizes something is missing.  He comes to Jesus looking for something different, something more.

There is a difference between experiencing a charmed life and receiving God’s blessings.       

            Look again at the 17th verse of John, chapter 3.  It reads:  Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.  This verse beauti­fully parallels this morning’s reading from Genesis 12.  There, God speaks to Abram, telling him, I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you may be a blessing you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.  But God's blessing does not shield them from the harshness of human existence.  God's blessing provides them with the assurance they will need in order to persevere no matter what they face – and they will face much disappointment.  Their station is not to live a charmed life; their call is to the blessing which will enable them to be a blessing to others. 

            Abram was indeed blessed.  He is the patriarch to whom three of the world's major religions trace their origins.  Abram (whose name is changed to Abraham, so as to reflect his prominence) is revered as the father of faith for Jewish, Christian and Muslim believers.  He is blessed; his blessing is the root out of which our own blessing emerges. 

            But remember with me the realities of this man's life.  Twice he finds himself in situations in which he has to lie about Sarah being his wife.  Abram and Sarah are wondering shepherds.  Without a home, they are at the mercy of landed lords and rulers.  Abram knows Sarah's beauty will make her an object of desire, that he may be killed so another might claim Sarah.  So they say Sarah is his sister.  Abram is not murdered, but Sarah is taken into the home of another man.

            Abram is blessed.  But remember his nephew Lot, the one who was not satisfied with the harsh pastures of the hills and chose instead to go into the valleys of Sodom.  By the Oaks of Mamre, Abram learns that Sodom is to be destroyed.  It is Abram who has to argue with God - risking his stature in God's eyes - in order to save his nephew.

            Blessed?  Sure he is.  But Abram and Sarah are growing old.  Unable to conceive, Sarah asks her servant, Hagar, to be the mother of Abram's child.  The child born to Hagar, Ishmael, becomes an irritation and a fight ensues which threatens the whole clan.

            Abram was blessed by God - but his life did not always show the signs of what we might call a blessed existence.  He did not live a charmed life!

            Everything and more that can be said about Abraham can be said about Jesus.  He is indeed blessed:  He is the One acclaimed as God's Messiah.  Is there another whose name is better known around the globe?  The great civilizations of the west bear the marks of Jesus' teachings.  Churches bearing his name can be found on every continent, in practically every nation.  No one is more clearly associated with what it means to be favored by God - but remember Jesus' life.

            While we prefer to imagine it differently, Jesus was only able to attract a very small band of followers.  His message is not that widely accepted.  And his message proves so disruptive that Jesus is eventually condemned by the authorities of state and religion.  When he is taken in to prison, even those who claimed to be disciples abandoned him.  He dies a painful death upon an instrument of torture.

            Even though his life took on none of the forms we would associate with blessedness - Jesus was indeed blessed.  Blessed because God had promised he would be a blessing.

            A blessed life is not a life free from pain and disappointment.  That kind of a life would better be called a charmed life - it is a life marked with good fortune.  A blessed life is something differ­ent - a blessed life is a life lived with the awareness that we have the opportunity to be a blessing in the lives of others.  A blessed life is a life lived with the confidence that through us the lives of others are better.  A blessed life is a life which bears the marks of having come to Jesus to ask what it is that one must do. 

            Tradition has it that Nicodemus circled back around in order to aid Jesus in the days between his death and resurrection.  He does seem to come to understand that blessings are not a measure of what good comes to us as much as an indication of how we are a comfort to others. 

            "Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be (blessed) through him." Come, receive God's blessing.  And then go, and be that expression of God’s blessing for which the world is crying.


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