Thursday, August 23, 2018

Devotion - Thursday, August 23

I am still reading from those verses which come after John 3:16.  Too often we read and/or remember that verse and fail to read what comes after.

This morning, my devotional guide had me read the story of the woman at the well, in John 4.

This woman is taken back by Jesus' words and his interactions with her.  The power of her conversion is such that her fellow villagers are also convinced to come looking for Jesus.  And they do.  And Jesus stays in their midst for two days.  

At the end of this time, "Many more believed."  Those who had been intrigued by the witness of the woman now make a confession of their own.  They also tell the woman, "It is not longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world."

What campus ministry seeks to do is become those "two days" in your life.  Not that you haven't already come to your own beliefs and convictions, but these years of your life are those in which the depth of those convictions and the significance of those convictions must be established.  A former CU professor wrote a book about this - the title is "A Faith of Their Own."  This is what we seek - a faith built on the foundations of those who have gone before but is uniquely your own.

Hear the clear witness of those who invite you to come and see Jesus.  Then, consider what the words of Jesus will mean in your life.

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