Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Devotion - Tuesday, August 21

John 3:16 is so often lifted up that our reading of John 3 seldom lingers long enough to read the following verses.  This morning, the lectionary I follow had me read John 3:22-36.  There were a couple of gifts which came to me from the paragraphs which follow the more popular and commonly read paragraph.

First, Jesus' group of disciples also engaged in the practice of baptizing.  We don't talk about this very much.  If there were baptisms before Jesus' death and resurrection - what was the aim of that baptism?  Remember, the sacramental baptism of the Christian Church is a baptism into Jesus' death and resurrection.

Second, upon observing how folks are flocking to Jesus and his disciples, in some cases passing over John and his previously well established ministry, John makes a comment we all need to hear.  He says, "He must increase, but I must decrease."  We need to ask ourselves whether our work is to set ourselves forward or if through our work Jesus is allowed to be seen more clearly.

Those of us in the "shy Christian" groups tend not to name Jesus in our daily encounters.  We avoid saying something which might suggest that we did the helpful thing as a means to an end;  that we are helpful in order to manipulate the recipient into some sort of guilt for failing to accept Jesus as personal Lord and savior.  So, we hold our tongue.  Good move.  Really.  Don't help others as a means to an unacknowledged end.  But do struggle with how those who receive the overflowing of grace God has poured into your life will ever know the joy which comes from acting out of that reservoir of love.  Speaking the name of Jesus is not always done with ill intentions.

I can be humble.  I can remove myself from the equation.  To make my decrease an increase for Jesus, I do need to speak the name and speak of my motivations.

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