Thursday, November 12, 2015

Devotion - Thursday, November 12

I continue reading from Matthew 13.  The disciples' question as to why Jesus teaches in parables is followed with an explanation to the parable of the sower, offered by Jesus.  (Verses 18-23)

This morning, my prayer time brought to memory the necessity of time for "fruit" to grow and mature.  We attempted to establish a community garden for the Habitat homeowners on Stephens Road.  Students worked on getting the soil ready and hauled loads of chicken mature to the site.  But all the planting and harvesting happened long after the students ended the term (one regular volunteer graduated).  They never saw the fruit of their labors.

I will go back to the image of the sower.  The sower distributes the seed in this parable without regard to the likelihood that the soil will be good soil.  The sower distributes the seed and then goes away - allowing the growth and the production to happen.

Our most faithful sowing of the seed is likely to be in situations where we will never see the growth.  We are nearest to God's ideal when we offer the good news and provide the right thing without hovering over the recipient to insist that the seed produce. 

Do good.  Be good.  Offer assistance.  Give encouragement.  These acts stand alone as the yield which brings joy to God's Kingdom.

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