Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sermon - Epiphany 2 - Year A

John 1:29-41                                                                                      

We have found the Messiah

   I spent a considerable amount of my teenage years working on construction sites.  Mother had a cousin who owned a commercial painting business and I began working with him when I was thirteen.  You meet an interesting group of people working construction, especially if your contacts are with those on the lower end of the pecking order.  I wasn't up in the offices overseeing what needed to be done, I was down in the trenches, scrapping cement off the door frames and sanding the shelves for supply closets.

Conversation, that activity engaged in to pass the endless hours of monotonous work, usually moved to the lowest possible level.  You can figure out what I mean.  One day, Bubba surprised us all, by announcing that he didn't want to hear any of that kind of talk anymore.  He announced, "I went to the tent meeting last weekend and I was saved."  There was a moment of intense silence, and then Audie looked at him with a questioning stare and asked, "Saved from what?"  Things only got more confusing as we looked back to Bubba and realized he had no response.  He had been "saved", but he wasn't real sure what that meant.

In our gospel lesson for this morning, Andrew comes to his brother with his own announcement.  “We have found the Messiah," he tells Simon.  It would have been interesting to see how he would have responded, had Simon asked him "Messiah of what?"  But we don't expect the disciples to be unclear.  It is assumed that they understood and knew what all these phrases and titles meant, right?  When Andrew comes to his brother announcing that the Christ has been found, of course Simon knew what he was talking about.  Didn't he?

John's gospel is written in two languages.  By that I mean that throughout the text we have the Hebrew word followed by its Greek equivalent.  In the last verse of this morning's reading we see this.  The text reads: “Messiah” and then in parenthesis we have the explanation “(which means Christ)”. Messiah is the title Andrew, a Jew, would have used.  But John's readers, many of whom were Gentiles, would have been more familiar with the Greek word "Christ".

At issue is whether Andrew and Simon (who later is renamed Cephas (in Hebrew), or Rock (in English)), at issue is whether or not they understood.  What was it they thought this Jesus could do for them?  When they called him Messiah, what did that mean?

There are two clues:  1)  What does the title Messiah mean; and 2)  What has already been said about this promised one?

The word, "Messiah", means anointed or anointed one.  It is a reference to the expected liberator of the Hebrew people.  From about the time of Israel's collapse in 587 B.C., there emerged a prophetic voice within Israel.  A promise was made to them that God would again establish them as a beacon to the world, a light to the nations.  It was the Messiah, the anointed one, who would lead Israel into this new era.  Is this what Andrew thought he had found in Jesus?  Was he expecting Jesus to be the one that would begin the chain of events destined to culminate in the reestablishment of a powerful Israel?  The tradition of Israel's prophets would have instructed him that this is what Messiah represented.

That's what we learn from the title.  But what of that which had already been spoken regarding Messiah?  We know that Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist.  He was with John as the people of Jerusalem began to make their way to the wilderness to hear him.  John's message has been straightforward; he has acknowledged that he is not Messiah.  But, he insists that he is preparing the way for Messiah.  John, however, doesn't say what this Messiah will be like.  All he says is that he is unworthy even to untie the shoes of the one who is to follow.

So what did Andrew mean, as he went and told his brother, We have found the Messiah”.  Did he think Jesus was going to become a great warrior, leading the Jewish people into victorious battle?  Did he think Jesus was some spiritual manifestation of God, too holy to even approach?  Did he think of Jesus as the one who would call Israel back to repentance and make them a light to all the nations?

We don't know.  All we know is that Andrew attributes this title to him.   And in so doing, he turns over to this Jesus complete control of his life.  Somehow, what he saw in Jesus was enough to convince him that everything he could ever want or desire was going to be realized in this man.  Somehow, he saw through everything else and realized nothing more was needful.

I venture to say that Andrew did not fully understand.  For in John's gospel as elsewhere, all the disciples, even Andrew, abandon Jesus when he begins to make his way to the cross.  They could not see how this would be the appropriate completion to the mission they had set out to accomplish.  Andrew did not fully understand what was going to happen to Jesus and what it would mean.  But that does not negate the confidence which came in his first confession.

We have found the Messiah" he tells his brother.  And from that day forth he gives his life over to this Jesus.  Even, when the directions taken by Jesus run contrary to those Andrew might have expected.  Jesus was his Savior, even when Jesus saves him from things which he didn't expect to be saved from.

My construction coworker, Bubba, came back to work with a fire in his heart.  It is really too bad, that as he began to share the light of that fire, another should douse him with water.  Maybe it is the assurance of Salvation which matters and not an ability to list out the things we are saved from.

I know that salvation is real, constant, unchanging.  But if I had to come with a listing of what salvation means for me it would be far from unchanging.  I used to worry primarily about death.  I was afraid of being buried and not being about to communicate with those I loved.  A few years ago my big fear is that I would be found out and that others would realize I had neither the intellect nor the spiritual presence to be a pastor.  Now I worry that my children have not experienced the blessing which would allow them to live confident lives.

My list has changed over the years, but the one who fulfills my expectations has not.  Christ makes it possible for me to accept the grave.  Christ allows me to see that it is not my own capabilities which matters.  It is the power of Christ's love which assures me that my children will be cared for by the same community which has given me the assurances I need.

What do you mean, when you say "Jesus is Lord"?  What have you found, when you acknowledge that Christ has given you a valuable gift?  What does the "Beautiful Saviour" save you from?

We can't accept another's responses.  Each of us has to acknowledge what it is about our lives that needs redeeming and then we must come to understand how it is that Christ effects this salvation.

We have found the Messiah, and it is the assurance of salvation which matters the most.  But if we are to give God thanks for that which God has given us, we should stop and consider what it is that God has really saved us from.


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