Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Devotion - Tuesday, December 6

The Christmas decorations at the home of a congregational member were up last week.   The saying on one caught my eye:
The stages of Santa
You believe in Santa
You don't believe in Santa
You are Santa
You look like Santa

I feel compelled each December 6 to repeat the basic information about Saint Nicholas.  Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra, in the 6th century.  He was a generous man, who is reported to have used the cover of night to disburse funds to the needy and vulnerable.  Coins in children's shoes.  Money for a father to pay a dowry.  Bishop Nicholas adorned the red cap appropriate for his office.  When a disturbance woke the members of the household, they would report having seen a man in red hurrying down the street to his next appointment.  When they look around their house, they would find gifts.

It is the history of Saint Nicholas which gives rise to the fantasy of Santa Claus.  Christians eager to observe the traditions of Christmas morning need to know of St. Nicholas and we need to repeat his story.  Maybe, most importantly in a self-indulgent world, we ought to remember that the origins of this tradition began with a christian act of caring for the least among us.  To whom will we give Christmas gifts?  To whom does St. Nick give gifts?

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

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