Thursday, August 31, 2017

Devotion - Thursday, August 31

This morning's appointed lesson is 2 Samuel 11.  After recounting many of the good things that King David has done, this chapter is one of his worse.  This is his seeing, desiring, abusing, and finally claiming Bathsheba for his own.

I do appreciate how the Old Testament is much more honest.  There are rare persons who are "perfect."  God's servants do good, and they do not-so-good.  They are more human, more like you and me.

But, when they do that which displeases God, they really do show a dark side.

Too often the story of David and Bathsheba is read as a history lesson.  Too seldom do we allow ourselves to see ourselves in the story.  This comes more easily with those who would identify with Bathsheba.  They know the horror of being objectified and desired for the wrong reasons and abused by someone with power.

Are we able to see ourselves in the actions of David?  Are we able to identify our tendency to covet and desire and then pretend we have a right to that which exceeds our needs and is something we want?

There is a cable TV show which presents stories of those who hoard.  How easily we could each be on that show.  We have two coats - or three.  What does Jesus say?  I am saving up money for a spring break trip to Germany, while within a mile of my house there are families who face eviction because of missed rent payments.

It is not easy to fix the imbalances of our community.  But we can start by recognizing the causes of the problem.  Open your bible and read I Samuel 11.  Or here, I will help you -

And then think of how this story might be a horrible prediction of your own story.

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