Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sermon - Second Sunday of Easter - Year C

John 20:19-31            

                                                                 He “Breathed” on Them 

“When (Jesus) had said this, he breathed on them and said to them ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.”

He “breathed on them”?  That is all they get?  Jesus is about to send them off to start a religious movement which would cover the whole Earth, and he sends them off with such a breath?

Think about how much has been done to equip this batch of college graduates!  Today we say farewell to them and send them off into the world to do their own amazing things.  Think of all the tools and resources they been given?  Consider how much they had to learn and skills they had master before being deemed ready to be turned lose in the world.

I hear about the work of preparing them, as their chatter from the LCM Lounge penetrates the walls and reverberates in my office.  These last few weeks, what I hear talked about often are the engineering students share those pesky senior design projects.  Two of our group were student teachers this semester.  Once again, I fully understand that we do not pay teachers enough and that they work longer hours than any employers ought to expect.  While co-ops are not required for every major, they are in graphic design.  The competition to land a co-op is itself a required developed ability.

It is important, before being sent out to attempt to do an important task that we be equipped and are given what we will need in order to meet the challenge.  This is what a degree from Clemson University does.  But what about those frightened former disciples of Jesus?  Hiding out in an upper room out of fear of what the world out there might do to them.  Jesus isn’t just paying them a social visit, he comes to tell them they will now be the ones to carry forth. 

“When (Jesus) had said (‘Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’) he breathed on them.”

Is it enough?  This breath?

It takes a lot to be ready to face the world and the world’s challenges.  Not everyone feels prepared in every instance.  The chatter I hear from the LCM Lounge rarely involves being sufficiently prepared to pass the course or get the best grade.  It is a desire to be equipped and prepared for the work to be done in the world.  It is a plea not to be passed on without being given the knowledge and skill to do what needs to be done.  They need to be equipped.  And they want to be equipped.

We all do.

What do you need?  And I don’t mean merely to do the job which holds your place in society.  What do you need, in order to take your place among the current disciples of Jesus – sent into the world to share the Good News?  What might you need to be given?  What might you want to be given, as you are sent, as Jesus sends forth all his disciples?

I do not mean to imply that the breath which Jesus breathed isn’t enough.  In fact, I hope to help us all understand that it is more than enough.

Let’s look at that word – “Breath.”  It is a rather rare word, used infrequently in the scriptures.  Two occurrences in the Latin translations of scripture are in Genesis 2:7 and Ezekiel 37:9.

Genesis 2:7 ought to be easy for us.  What happens in the early chapters of the first book of the Bible?  Genesis 2:7 reads:  “The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” 

Perhaps more might be given to us, when we are created.  But surely nothing greater could be offered.  (I was sort of expecting an “Amen” when I said that.)  Perhaps more might be given to us, when we are created.  But surely nothing greater could be offered.  There are all sorts of things which might also come, but none of that matters until this first gift is extended and received.

Maybe we would like to have more, before venturing out into the world, but this breath which God breaths into our nostrils is quite a gift.

Let’s add a footnote here – about the epistemology of the Hebrew word for “breath.”  It has the same word which also refers to wind and to spirit.  So those references to the wind blowing where it will and the spirit stirring among God’s people are also linked to this same encounter referred to here as Jesus “breathing” on them.

If you are in the habit of reading my e-devotion, you will know the other reference to “breath”.  Ezekiel 37 was the text for this Thursday.   It is the vision of the prophet in which he sees the valley of dry bones.  He is told to prophesy to the bones – in essence, to use his breath to pour upon them spirit.  The “four winds” sweep through the valley and bone is joined to bone, sinews and flesh are attached.  “And they lived, and stood on their feet, a vast multitude.”

So, you see, this breath is no small thing.  It is a rather big deal.  And at its going forth, great differences are made.

We may be tempted to think it isn’t much.  Those who wish to scoff could attempt to encourage us to dismiss or insist for more.  But it is enough.  It is sufficient.  Nothing more is needed.

We receive this breath and we experience it.  This breath is shared among us and between us.  It makes possible our words of kindness and compassion.  The air we breathe gives us sufficient oxygen levels to put our hands and feet into action on behalf of others.

Of all the things which might have prepared us for the work Jesus gives us, none may be as helpful as the experience of sharing this breath with one another.  We know why a beloved community enlivens those who are downtrodden.  And we have experienced how Christian community shields us from the world’s attempts to drag us down.   

“When (Jesus) had said (‘Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’) he breathed on them.”

Having seen how that small group of eleven has grown into a Christian church in every land and nation, we know how well that breath equipped them.

This is way we refer to this annual event as “Farewell and Godspeed.”  While it is painful to say “good-bye,” we know that we are sending forth yet another group of disciples with all they need to accomplish great things in the world.

You faculty and staff took care of that on the academic side; UniLu has done it in the realms of faith and confidence.

You have been “breathed on,” through the scriptures, sermons, and Words of Institution.  Never let worry or fear or anxiety rob you of the confidence that it is enough.  It isn’t all that Jesus will give us, but it is the first gift and it is the gift which allows opportunity for everything else to come your way.


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