Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Devotion - Tuesday, April 23

In reading John 14, we are once again reminded that the path of faith begins in loving Jesus.  Jesus is speaking to the disciples, when he points out that those who love him are those who keep his commandments.  We follow the way of Jesus because we have seen and responded to the love.

Too often the order of this is reversed.  When presented with the question of what are the marks of a Christian, we think of their behavior or their obedience.  This leads to the assertion that some folks are "more Christian than most Christians," - meaning they show mercy and compassion.  As a child, you were taught to obey.  Long before you knew why it was wrong to play in the street you came to obey your parents' rule not to play in the street.  But we put aside childish things, and we become adults.

As adults, we understand the depth of the love Jesus has shown us and shown for us.  And we respond to that love.

We respond in loving each other.  We show true and authentic care for our sisters and brothers.  This compassion extends beyond our family or tribe - it is freely given to all God's children.

Feel the love of Jesus, coming into your life.  And experience the unimaginable joy of allowing that love to flow out from you and into the world around you.

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