Monday, April 15, 2019

Devotion - Monday of Holy Week

Jesus' entry into Jerusalem causes quite the stir.  In most accounts, it seems as if they whole city goes out to greet him.  In John's Gospel, there is the suggestion of pre-planning for his return to the city of God's people.

Jesus' entry to Jerusalem is an essential part of the story:  it creates the drama of needing to later decide which "king" you will follow.  Will you follow the one, true king?  Or one who poses as a king?

It ought to be an easy choice, right?  One is authentic; the other is fake.  But the trappings used by the fake king are so attractive and they are many of the traits and attributes given high value by the world.  Then there is the matter is stealth - the fake king will not confront you with a direct, life-altering decision.  It is a series of small, seemingly insignificant choices along the way.

Jesus' entry into the city still causes quite a stir.  Jesus continues to expose the choices we make and he allows us to see where those are leading us.  It may be a "small thing" which proves to be the one thing which sets the course of our life.

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