Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Devotion - Wednesday, December 12

Most of us are familiar with the call of Isaiah.  You are likely to have sung the camp song, "Here I am Lord, if you need me.  I have heard you calling in the night...."

The call of Isaiah (chapter 6) is today's appointed reading.  It is a dramatic scene:  There are flying horses, robes and thrones and smoke.  A burning coal is touched to the lips of Isaiah to take away his sin and guilt.

If something like that happened to any one of us we would also be likely to raise our hands upon hearing God ask, "Whom shall I send?"

Perhaps your invitation to Christ's family wasn't as dramatic; but is it any less powerful?  To what do you point when you speak of your inclusion in the people of God?  Maybe it was a word of comfort (or a simple meal) during a stressful week.  Has there been a time when you could see no way forward and a pastor or teacher helped you to see one?  Has fear attempted to hold you in it's grasp only to be kept at bay by a simple reminder that you are a baptized child of God?

That which calls us may not be dramatic, but it does not lack power.

That to which we are called can be equally powerful.  We are not all called to reclaim Israel for God.  We are not all called to Reform the Church.  Our calling may be to be the one who says, "I don't appreciate that" when a racist or sexist joke is being told.  Our calling may be to speak up for the disadvantaged and forgotten.

Singing the song may be the best way to affirm our having been called.  It is also a reminder that we are needed, by God, to see that God's will is done in the world.

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