Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Devotion - Tuesday, November 27

In Luke 18 there is an interesting story.  As Jesus is passing, a blind man begins to cry out to him, asking for mercy.  The crowd tries to silence him.  Jesus does hear him, invites him to come near, and restores the man's sight.  Then an interesting thing happens.  As the man once again speaks, this time giving glory to God, the people also give "praise to God."

It interests me to wonder how many voices are silenced which if heard might lead to seeing reason to praise God?

The man's intentions and his motivation does not change.  From beginning to end he is calling out the name of the one in whom he has confidence and trust.  What changes is Jesus hearing his voice and Jesus' doing so changes the mood of the crowd regarding this man's message.

What voices do we silence, or ignore?  Which of those voices does Jesus hear?  And how might we change so as to hear the words which are pleasing to him?

There is much encouragement to listen to those who say what we want to hear or have become accustomed to hearing.  How do we hear differently?

It is an interesting story in Luke 18.  One worthy of reading and remembering.

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