Monday, November 26, 2018

Devotion - Monday, November 26

My prayers this morning reflected the place in which you now find yourself:  You have had a bit of a break, but have started to realize the tasks and hurdles which these next three weeks will bring.  The bit of a break may make you eager for the longer break between semesters.  Depending on how heavy the workload you face, there may be a desire that these three weeks will move at a snail's pace.

My prayer for you is that you will retain enough of the break's mentality so as not to forget the larger matters of life.  Take time to be thankful; and start to prepare for those joyous gatherings with friends and family.  Be conscious of the necessity of building a life; of crafting a meaningful life.

I will also pray that you will realize such a well-crafted life is built one stone at a time.  Attention to the details, to the matter most immediately in front of you is how you arrive at the place of thankfulness and joy.  The things that face you these weeks need to be done.  So do them.

Maintaining such a balance is not a simple matter.  That is where God and faith and spirituality come in.  The practices of the faith community create a mechanism by which we anticipate the struggles and keep them in perspective.  Confidence in the One who Created me and all things allows me to stand firm when the world is swirling around me.

I am glad you are back.  And I look forward to seeing you.  Use me to dump those negative emotions or experiences and come near me when you need a boost.  These are the resources given to me through my attention to the means of grace, and I will gladly share them with you.

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