Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Devotion - Wednesday, September 19

Acts 14:19 informs us that Paul is stoned by the crowd, drug from the city, and assumed to be dead.

Telling the story of Jesus is not without risks.

We tell ourselves (the whole of the Christian Church tells itself) that we live in a "Christian Nation," so it is no longer risky to tell the story of Jesus.  We want to believe this, and we want to think that Jesus would be pleased with the way we live our lives and the way we tell his story.  

But Jesus tells us how narrow is the way he leads, and Jesus warns us that following his way will bring division in our homes and between our family members.

This is not an encouragement to create strive and separation, but it is an invitation to think about Jesus and about his ministry and ask questions about how we follow the way he walked.  He spoke of those who have two coats while others have none; he shared meals with those looked upon as "unclean"; and he would allow no authority to supersede the authority of his Father.

Paul was stoned and left for dead because he had experienced God's grace and followed the call to live as Jesus' follower.

This is the grace which has laid hold of us, and calls us to follow.

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