Monday, April 23, 2018

Devotion - Monday, April 23

I spent hours preparing for my sermon yesterday.  I didn't spend hours, but I did prepare for the Sunday School discussion.  But it was a conversation in the LCM Lounge which may have been the most intense and important interaction of my day.

The conversation was already underway when I joined it.  One student was asking another student profound questions about heaven and hell, about salvation.  I just happened to walk in - and got involved.

This came back to me in my prayers this morning.  First, I prayed that my words and my contributions to the discussion were helpful and not harmful.  It is way too easy, without a prepared text, to say things which are not well reasoned and pastoral.

Second, I realize how great is my advantage in that my witnessing is most often controlled.  You, on the other hand, are surprised and caught up in discussions which simply happen.

Finally, I would share part of yesterday's discussion with you - by way of encouragement.  We brought things to a close with an acknowledgement that everyone's faith involves a leap and an admission of the gap.  Where that gap is, will differ from person to person.  If every aspect of our faith convictions were fully covered, it would no longer be faith.  This does not mean that we cease to probe the gap and strive for understanding, but it is an admission that we will finally need to say, "That is the part I leave to God."  And, the part left to God will vary, from one disciple to another.

Do not worry, when the orientation of another exposes your gap.  And - above all - do not shy away from helping another see the gap which they are leaping over.  (But do so lovingly - this is not a discussion of objective data!)

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