Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Devotion - Wednesday of Holy Week

I want to say more about Paul's opening chapters of II Corinthians.  

There is evidence (1:23ff) that Paul had sent a letter to this church, pointing out ways in which their life may not reflect the faith they profess.  This letter is lost to us, so we cannot know what Paul said.  But the apology gives evidence that he said some harsh things.

In the family of faith, admonishing one another is a promise we make to one another.  We have assured each other that when we see something that could be changed or ought to be changed we will bring this to the attention of the other.

There may be instances where we are ready and prepared to give admonishment; but the relationship is weakened unless we are prepared to also receive the input of others.

As we near the end of this Lenten Season, now may be a good time to actively pursue the input of our fellow Christians.  What might they clearly see that we have so striven to hide from others that we have also hidden from ourselves?  How might their counsel strengthen our life in Christ and our witness in the world?

Painful letters are only painful when the writer or the recipient forget that in Christ we are to care for one another, enabling one another to more faithfully follow.

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