Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Devotion - Wednesday, Sept 6

Mark 10 contains the story of the man who comes to Jesus to ask, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"  After some exchanges, Jesus tells him he only lacks one thing - "See your possessions and give the money to the poor."  This, the man, is unable to do.

I don't want to be one of those pastors who shied away from talking about giving, in order not to offend.  It is very important that we give.  Unless we give, we fail to fully embrace the life Jesus envisioned for his followers.

The closing prayer in my devotional guide reminds us that while money is part of it, it is not all of it.  It reads "Teach me to hoard nothing: love, money, time, possessions."

As impressed as I am when you give your time to attend worship, or Wednesday gatherings, or hand-bell practice, or men's group - giving your time to serve others is what this petition addresses.

And, there is your money.  "It is my parents' money" is the most common reply from college students.  I won't deny that.  But if that money made available to you allows you the freedom to buy an ice-cream or two a week, then there is surely an openness to some of that being used to house the homeless.

The young man is Mark 10 was able to commit himself to the rigors of the law, but he was not prepared to see all of the children of God as his own sisters and brothers.  He could not stop hoarding his wealth.

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