Thursday, April 13, 2017

Devotion - Maundy Thursday

John 15 is often referred to as "Jesus' High Priestly Prayer."  It is a very moving and comforting section of the gospel.  Jesus is talking about us - about you and me, about his followers.  He is praying - for us.

I learned many years ago the strength of a few very simple words.  "I will pray for you" is a promise and a commitment that strengthens our hearts and moves our souls.  To know that someone is praying for us is to know that another has seen us for who we are and understands that which lies at the core of our lives.  "I will pray for you" is to acknowledge a shared trust and confidence that God is on our side and always by our side.

In John, we have chapters dedicated to the prayer that Jesus offers - for us.

What a comfort; what an assurance; what a gift.

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