Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Devotion - Tuesday, March 28

Before we get to Romans 8 (a section of scripture often quoted) we need to struggle through Romans 7.  In these verses, Paul tries to understand where the impulses to turn from God arise.

He says that he does not do the good which he wants to do - but actually does the very thing which he hates.  He says that there seems to be two factions at war inside himself - pulling him in opposite directions.

From where does the inkling to sin arise?  

There is much to study in Romans 7, but for today I would have us remember two things:  First, that each of us and all of us have these same struggles.  And no one of us is stronger than another and thus less likely to fall victim.  Paul is clearly saying that we should not find greater fault in others than we are willing to see in ourselves.  Second, be aware of these two "forces" and their tugging on us and on our hearts.  There is an old wise saying which compares these two forces to bears doing battle.  When a young child asks which bear wins, the wise teacher says "The one you feed."  Don't feed the impulses to turn from God and God's ways.

Be aware of the battle raging inside you - and be sensitive to those for whom the battle is too much.

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