Thursday, March 9, 2017

Devotion - Thursday, March 3

John 3 speaks of why some respond well to the Word of God and some do not.  The writer uses the image of light:  "the light has come into the world, but the people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."

While the degree to which we can identify with these words may vary, all of us understand what they mean.  There are actions or thoughts or behaviors which we allow only when we are alone (in the dark) rather than among others.  It is true, that the darkness is a good cover for that which does not reflect our devotion to God.

So how do we learn to love the light?  How do we live continually in the light?

Perhaps by small steps and tentative attempts.  Perhaps by risking sharing with another (a confessor or trusted friend those thoughts which are so disturbing we seldom share with another.  Perhaps by hearing that living in the light is actually better and then trying it out.  Perhaps by looking back at the darkness and realizing that it has done nothing to accomplish our hope for union and unity with those around us.

No one loves the darkness because they love evil and horrible stuff.  But the darkness is more likely to reach out and grab us and hold us and refuse to let us go.  The light is more passive - it is an offer extended out of graciousness rather than threat.

Come, live in the light!  There is a hymn we sing which includes these words.  Repeat them over and over today; shun the darkness.

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