Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Devotion - Wednesday, September 7

This morning I was reading John 8:47-59.  Jesus is engaged in another of what seems like unending disputes with the religious leaders.  

At least part of this confrontation is rooted in identity.  The exchange includes claims that Jesus is "a Samaritan"; that he has "a demon."  Jesus tells them they are not "of God."

Our identity can be labeled according to our genetic makeup.  It can also be linked to our interests (you are a Tiger fan....)  The link which is on display in these verses is where our hearts find a home.  The identity at issue in John 8 is whether we will be defined by our devotion to God.

When someone asks, "Who are you?", what is your first response?  Your name?  Your hometown?  It would be strange, but perhaps very effective, to begin our self-introduction by saying "I am a child of God", or "I am a follower of Jesus."  There may have been a time when we could assume such things about others, but this is no longer the case.  While being a follower of Jesus remains somewhat of a social norm, it is far from being a universal experience.  Of course, we would never want to introduce ourselves this way in order to shame or challenge others.  But if offered with the humility for which Christians are to be known, it sets a tone for us and for our future interactions.

These verses provide an opportunity for us to reflect on what makes us who we are.  They encourage us to understand that who we are is determined by that which is larger than ourselves.  Our identity is found in Christ.

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