Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Devotion - Wednesday, September 21

Acts 16:16ff retells the story of a "slave girl" with a spirit of divination.  She follows Paul through the city, shouting about him to others.

Paul turns to her and commands that the spirit come out of her.  And she is made well.

The shouts that this girl kept repeating included comments as to who Paul really was.  She said of him, "These men are servants of the Most High God."  The spirit which had taken hold of her allowed her to perceive what others were slow to see.

While I have questions as to the particular ailment that gets labeled as a "spirit" in biblical times, the thing which entered my prayers this morning is notion that those who are not of God, and maybe even oppose God, are able to see what we are slow to perceive.  How is it that this girl knows what Paul must work so hard to help others to come to believe?

I remember the workshop title from an event I attended some 20 years ago - "Standing knee deep in water and dying of thirst."  How often we languish and struggle while all around us are the resources to attend to that which ails us.  Why are we so slow to turn to the One who holds the promises?

Maybe it takes a slave girl with a spirit to help us see what is within our grasp, but too often not taken into our lives.

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