Monday, September 26, 2016

Devotion - Monday, September 26

The book of Esther is a wonderful treat.  It might be particularly meaningful for women.  Esther is placed in the King's court for all the wrong reasons - because of her beauty -  and not because of her wisdom or her convictions.  And yet she comes to use her greater gifts to defend and save her people.

Esther is from a Jewish family.  This seems not to be known by the King, or perhaps it didn't matter.  What does matter is that one of the King's advisers comes to despise Esther's Uncle and develops a plan to see him put to death.

Mordecai (the Uncle) warns Esther than the evil plot against him involves the destruction of all the Jews.  He warns her that even the palace of the King may not be enough to protect her.  He implores her to speak to the King.  And he says to her, "Who knows, perhaps you have come to the kingdom for a time such as this."

I love that question.  I am moved by its urgency.  Esther is challenged to consider whether this may be her moment to impact the world and to protect God's people.

How can we be sure that we are aware when our "moment" is at hand?  Do we look upon the events happening around us as a mere observer?  Or do we consider how we might impact the situation; how we might be the one who has the opportunity to bring the change which is necessary?

Perhaps you have come to the Kingdom for a time such as this.  Do not shy away from speaking up and do not avoid the invitation to action.

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