Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Devotion - Wednesday, August 17

Today's reading from John 4 connects with a thought you are likely to hear if you attend worship this Sunday at UniLu.  In John 4, the woman comes to the place where Jesus is sitting in order to obtain something.  She comes in order to get water.

Getting water is so simple for us that we may fail to realize the significance of the gift Jesus offers this woman.  He tells her, "Everyone who drinks of this water (the water from the well where he is sitting) will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I give will never thirst."  Many of the world's inhabitants walk miles each day getting water from a well and carrying it back to their home.  What a gift, to never have to make that journey and spend hours drawing water from a deep well.

What is it that draws you to Christ?  What is it that you find in Him that you cannot find anywhere else?

Sunday's Gospel lesson is about a woman stooped over.  Jesus sets her free, on a Sabbath, in the synagogue.  For this, he is scolded by the leader of the synagogue.  Why?  For what purpose did the leader think folks came to the synagogue if not in hope of being set free from the evil spirits which bind them?

It is not selfish or self centered to give voice to what it is that ends the search of our lives.  It is appropriate to name and give thanks for the blessings of Christ which allow us to bring to an end our constant searching for the water which satisfies.  

What is it that draws you to Christ?  What is it that you find in Him that you cannot find anywhere else?

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