Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Devotion - Wednesday, March 2

Jesus' disciples asked him to teach them how to pray.  I often find myself making the same request.  It is difficult for prayer to be something other than a laundry list of what is on my mind or the concerns which have been expressed to me.

While some might not understand or experience a similar reaction, I find it helpful to "pray" the prayers prepared by others.  As on Sunday, when we make use of such prayers, I find that using such prayers calls to mind aspects of my journey with God which I might otherwise ignore or overlook.

Here is a prayer by Lucy H. M. Soulsby which does this for me:

Lord, grant that each one who has to do with me today may be the happier for it.
Let it be given me each hour today what I shall say, and grant me the wisdom of a loving heart that I may say the right thing rightly.
Help me to enter into the mind of everyone who talks with me, and keep me alive to the feeling of each one present.
Give me a quick eye for the little kindness, that I may be ready in doing them and gracious in receiving them.
Give me quick perception to the feelings and needs of others, and make me eager-hearted in helping them.

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