Monday, February 8, 2016

Devotion - Monday, February 8

I don't often comments on Proverbs.  This collection of Ancient Israel's Wisdom Literature rarely names God.  It is a wonderful collection of sayings and truths, one that is worthy of reading and sharing with others.

This morning I was reading from Proverbs 27.  Verse 1 is very familiar to me, though I did not know the scripture reference as it was being repeated last week.

My father-in-law had what proved to be a rather minor health episode and spent two nights in the hospital.  He had a rash which lead to a visit to his primary physician which lead to a visit to the Emergency Room which lead to the admission.  All of this came on a day which was rather well pre-planned and full of different events.  

In the ER he said to Laura, "You never know what the day will bring."  I don't know that he or Laura and surely not I realized he was quoting Proverbs 27:1.  

When we called his daughter who lives in North Carolina, her way of expressing appreciation for the call and acknowledging that we would make it through this just fine was to say, "It is like Uncle Harry always said, 'You never know what the day will bring.'"

We don't know.  But we do know the confidence in God which sustained our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.  We know that there is a wisdom in God's Word which can and does bear us up.

Proverbs is a collection of such reminders.  It is full of acknowledgements that following God sets us on a path which is well worn and clearly marked.  We are not left to fend for ourselves or fret about the morrow.  God has been there, and will remain there.

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