Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Devotion - Wednesday, February 17

"And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed."  Mark 1

Folks often ask why I get up so early in the morning.  My answer is that only in the early morning hours can I be assured of no interruptions.  Few folks are up at 5:30 am.  Those who are have their own routines and uses of their time planned.  I can be confident that for an hour or so I am free to be alone with myself and with my God.

I read Mark 1 this morning.  Of Jesus getting up early.  In the verses which follow the one repeated above, the disciples come and find Jesus and tell him that the villagers are looking for him, that they have brought their sick.  Jesus replies by saying it is time to move on to the other towns, "that I may preach there also."

Even Jesus is in danger of having someone else distract him from his mission and purpose.  He isn't being mean or inconsiderate in turning his back on that village; he is simply centering himself and remaining true to his call from God.

I am not advocating that you get up early in the morning.  But I am strongly encouraging you to find a time which works for you in which you can be centered and focused on what it is that God is calling you to do; who it is that God is calling you to be.  Do not allow the concerns of the world or of others to distract you from that which concerns God, from that which brings your life into sharp focus.

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