Thursday, February 4, 2016

Devotion - Thursday, February 4

Hebrews 12 begins with an interesting, somewhat puzzling assertion.  The writer insists that Jesus, "for the joy that was set before him endured the cross."

In our Tuesday night bible study we have been reading from Philippians, where Paul also speaks of this "joy".  One glaring piece of information is that Paul writes while he is in prison.  "Where," we should ask, "can Paul find 'joy'"?

Dr. Joseph Sittler writes of this joy.  He points out that it is not to be confused with happiness. Happiness is a measure of our mood, perhaps of the circumstances surrounding us.  Joy is the assurance which comes from knowing that our lives have meaning and purpose.  Joy is the confidence that we are connected to that which is larger than ourselves.

I hope you are happy.  I pray that things go well in your life and land you in a place where you can give thanks.  But don't strive for happiness.  Seek the joy of Christ, the joy which came into the life of Paul.  Then, regardless of where the happiness meter is in your life, you will continue to experience joy.

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