Thursday, February 25, 2016

Devotion - Thursday, February 25

I know that we began the season of Lent with a warning of practicing your piety before others, lest you be acknowledged by them and thus need no notice by God.  However, I worry less about showy piety than about folks keeping their devotion to Jesus completely hidden.

This morning I read from Mark 4:21ff.  This is the reference to a lamp, which is never hidden under a basket, but placed on a stand so others may see and so that the lamp does what it is supposed to do.  

Surely, what followers of Jesus are supposed to do is help others discover the wonder and the joy of following.  Surely, it is in our very nature to help others see what is too often hidden away or left in the shadows.

Do not forget that it is Lent, and your prime duty is to monitor your relationship with God.  But do not fail to let your light shine, to share with those around you the utter joy which comes from being one of God's chosen.  Bear the name of Christ boldly!

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