Monday, February 15, 2016

Devotion - Monday, February 15

Each of the accounts of the Temptation of Jesus is clear that while these events may have happened in the "wilderness," Jesus was not on his own to face them.

Yesterday we read from Luke.  The introduction to the story is very clear that Jesus was "full of the Holy Spirit."  

In Matthew, Jesus is "led up by the Spirit into the wilderness."

This morning, I was reading from Mark.  Here, we are told that "the Spirit drove him into the wilderness."  More significantly, we are told that while he is in the wilderness, being tempted by Satan, that "the angels ministered to him."  Jesus is never alone as he faces his temptations.

And we are not alone.  We do not face temptations, or trials, or even encounters with the devil on our own.  It may seem that way, but it simply isn't true.  

The Holy Spirit is with us.  God is with us.  God's people are with us.  The prayers of the faithful are with us.  Temptations and trails and wilderness experiences begin (in may instances) with the fear that we are left to our own resources and strength.  We fall victim when we fall into the mistaken notion that we have no one by our side to struggle with us.

Jesus is tempted.  Jesus is tried.  But he is not by himself.  He is never alone.  And neither are we.

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