Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Devotion - Wednesday, December 9

The cycle of readings I follow has me reading from Revelation.  In case you have not heard me say this before - Revelation is an extremely uplifting book, full of God's promise.  Those to whom the book were written were facing tremendous threats.  Those who read John's words for the first time were fearful for their lives and for their communities and for their way of life.  The letter John wrote them reminded them that God is near and that God will not allow their hopes to come to nothing.

The misinterpretation of these words from John begins when the interpreter realizes that he/she may be the oppressor in John's story.  Much like the Pharisees and Sadducees and scribes in the Gospel accounts - some interpreters perceive these things are about them.  

Revelation reminds us that God is in control and that nothing - nothing - can disrupt our relationship with him and our confidence in him.  The things which oppose us are powerless in comparison.  In Revelation, John encourages his readers to remain faithful.  To him this means not becoming angry or vindictive.  It means we see reality for what it is and that we don't allow our anxiety to cause us to forsake the persons God has called us to be.

There is way too much hate going around today.  There are far too many voices calling on us to label others as unacceptable.  There is no opening for God's people to participate in such talk.

We have a powerful witness to the eternal reign of God and we have complete assurance that Jesus' way is the way to follow.  We will identify evil as evil, but we will not repay evil with evil.

Reading Revelation reminds me of the perceived threats in past generations.  All of which have run their course and are gone.  Reading Revelation reminds me that my aim is to remain focused on the way of Christ and not allow loud voices to distract me.

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