Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Devotion - Wednesday, Sept 16

One of the outcomes of being a Christian is an expansion of our world and our worldview.  We are no longer a Carolinian, or a Yankee, or Caucasian, or whatever.  We are a Christian, a follower of Jesus.  And this identity comes first in our list of self-descriptions.

It follows that we immediately establish a kinship with other Christians.  With all Christians.

Tonight, we will have as our guest a young man who spent a year with the Christians in Palestine.  He will share with us how that year expanded his world.  He will invite us to benefit from his experience.

Yesterday, I shared lunch with a member of the Orthodox Christian community.  His emotions regarding the death and destruction in the Syrian Orthodox Churches reminded me of the need to pray and advocate for this part of our Christian family.

This Saturday, Abel Baptist Church is hosting a community fun day.  This is an opportunity to share Christian fellowship with neighbors we don't often notice or visit.

Being a Christian is an opportunity to expand our world and our worldview.  God is the creator of all things.  God is the Father of all the world's children.  Our prayers, or conversations, and our actions ought to reflect the enormity of God's realm.

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